Dr Roger W Brighton
Dr Brighton subspecialises in Hip and Knee Joint Replacement, Revision Surgery and Arthroscopic Knee Surgery, including ACL Reconstruction.
Dr Brighton completed his medical degree at the University of NSW in 1986.
After finishing the orthopaedic training scheme in Sydney in 1995, he continued his training overseas first at the Orthopaedic and Arthritic Hospital in Toronto, Canada and then at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, London, England, where he held the Commonwealth Fellowship.
Dr Brighton has now been practising in the NorthWest sector of Sydney for nearly 20 years and subspecialises in Hip and Knee Joint Replacement, Revision Surgery and Arthroscopic Knee Surgery, including ACL Reconstruction. He operates at Lakeview Private Hospital, Westmead Private Hospital and St Vincent’s Private Hospital.
For all appointments call: 8382 6199
Email: info@hipandkneesurgery.com.au
For more information visit www.rogerbrighton.com